入境泰國措施 Measurements for Entering Thailand

入境泰國措施 Measurements for Entering Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 1 พ.ย. 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 3 ก.พ. 2023

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Entry Measures for Thai and Foreign Nationals (From 1 July 2022)

  • Thailand Pass is not required.
  • Certificate of fully vaccination or an RT-PCR / Professional ATK COVID-19 test result issued within 72 hours before departure.
  • Medical insurance is not required.
  • The airlines will check your documents before boarding, and you will probably be requested to show the documents to the officer of the Department of Disease Control while arriving the airport of Thailand.








Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Foreign nationals arriving in Thailand by air and by land from 1 June 2022 onwards are required to register on Thailand Pass with details, as follows;


1. Fully Vaccinated Persons must:

  • Register on Thailand Pass
  • Attach passport and certificate of vaccination
  • Attach proof of insurance with at least 10,000 USD coverage for medical treatments in Thailand (COVID-19 test, both prior to and after arriving in Thailand, is no longer required)


2. Unvaccinated / Not Fully Vaccinated Persons must :

  • Register on Thailand Pass
  • Attach passport and COVID-19 RT-PCR / Professional ATK (NOT self-ATK) test result issued within 72 hours before traveling (must attach on Thailand Pass only)
  • Attach proof of insurance with at least 10,000 USD coverage for medical treatments in Thailand


* Starting 1 June 2022, foreign nationals can also use a COVID-19 Professional ATK (self-ATK is not permitted) test result issued within 72 hours before traveling to enter Thailand 

* Foreign nationals can also use their Thai social security or certifying letter from employer/agency/company in place of insurance. 

* Please be advised that, starting 1 June 2022, every foreign national entering Thailand is required to have either a certificate of vaccination (for fully vaccinated persons) or COVID-19 RT-PCR / Professional ATK test result issued within 72 hours before traveling (for unvaccinated / not fully Vaccinated persons) as the mandatory quarantine option (AQ scheme) is no longer granted. 

* Starting 1 June 2022, Thailand Pass QR Code will be automatically issued within 1-2 hours once you have completed your registration. Please note that your entry to Thailand is not determined solely by the Thailand Pass QR Code, but also by the validity of your documents attached therein. 

* Unvaccinated / not fully vaccinated travelers who wish to be exempted from quarantine must attach a negative RT-PCR / Professional ATK test result issued within 72 hours before travel in Thailand Pass, including unvaccinated / not fully vaccinated children aged 6 - 17 who travel with unvaccinated / not fully vaccinated parents (children aged under 6 do not have to attach the test result). Please be advised that this does not apply to children aged under 18 who travel with fully vaccinated parents who will be automatically granted the same entry scheme as their parents. 

* Applicants can use their approved Thailand Pass QR Code to enter Thailand on different date of arrival if the new date of arrival is within 7 days before or after the original date of arrival as indicated on the QR Code (no need to re-apply or modify your application). Please note that applicants (non-Thai) are required to show proof of insurance for medical treatments in Thailand for the entire duration of their revised travel itinerary. Further note that each Thailand Pass QR Code can be used only once.  

* Application on Thailand Pass is free of charge




Following reports that a number of applicants have received FAKE and SCAM emails, Thailand Pass wishes to inform and advise the following: 

  • DO NOT respond or click on any attached links in the emails
  • Emails from Thailand Pass regarding your applications will only be sent out from one official account ([email protected])
  • The system will not ask for any personal information nor request applicant to amend the application by email.  

Please note that all registration processes are done solely on the Thailand Pass website only. 


**Travellers are required to register at https://tp.consular.go.th before travelling to Thailand.






Thailand Pass系統將於 29 Apr 2022、00:01(泰國當地時間)時起正式開放即將於 1 May 2022 起入境泰國國境之旅客進入登錄。


自 1 May 2022 起空路入境旅客之措施如下:



    - 於 Thailand Pass 系統登錄。

    - 上傳文件:護照\疫苗接種證明卡\泰國境內醫療保險保單最低給付額一萬美金醫療保險保單證明 (外國籍者)。




    狀況 (一) 行前72小時RT-PCR報告為陰性者:

    - 於 Thailand Pass 系統登錄。

    - 上傳文件:護照\行前72小時RT-PCR報告\泰國境內醫療保險保單最低給付額一萬美金醫療保險保單證明 (外國籍者)。


***已取得5天隔離QR code之未接種者 如需以免隔離方式入境泰國、須重新申請 Thailand Pass


    狀況 (二) 進行 5 天隔離

    - 於 Thailand Pass 系統登錄。

    - 上傳文件:護照\五天隔離飯店(Alternative Quarantine)訂房付款證明\泰國境內醫療保險保單最低給付額一萬美金醫療保險保單證明 (外國籍者)。

    - 於第 4 - 5 日接受 RT-PCR 檢測 (行前不需提供)。

對此、凡已取得Thailand Pass系統核發之旅客可繼續使用已取得之 QR Code 入境無須再重新申請。


Registration on Thailand Pass for travelers entering Thailand from 1 May 2022 under new entry measures will be opened from 29 April 2022 onwards (00.01 hrs Thailand time).

From 1 May 2022, travelers entering Thailand by air will be subject to new entry measures, as follows;

1. Fully Vaccinated Persons must:

- Register on Thailand Pass

- Attach required documents including passport, certificate of vaccination

- Attach proof of insurance with at least 10,000 USD coverage for medical treatments in Thailand (for non-Thais only)

(COVID-19 test, both prior to and after arriving in Thailand, is no longer required)


2. Unvaccinated Persons

(Option 1 - Exemption from quarantine) Travelers with a negative RT-PCR test result issued within 72 hours before traveling must :

- Register on Thailand Pass

- Attach required documents including passport, and COVID-19 RT-PCR test result issued within 72 hours before traveling (must attach on Thailand Pass only)

- Attach proof of insurance with at least 10,000 USD coverage for medical treatments in Thailand (for non-Thais only)

(Any COVID-19 test after arriving in Thailand is not required)


PLEASE NOTE Travelers who have been approved to enter Thailand under AQ scheme but wish to enter Thailand under exemption from quarantine must re-apply on Thailand Pass.

(Option 2 - Quarantine) Travelers who cannot undergo an RT-PCR test result within 72 hours before traveling or wish to be quarantined must :

- Register on Thailand Pass

- Attach required documents including passport, Alternative Quarantine (AQ) hotel confirmation for 5 days (including 1 RT-PCR test)

- Attach proof of insurance with at least 10,000 USD coverage for medical treatments in Thailand (for non-Thais only)

- Undergo an RT-PCR test on Day 4 - 5 in Thailand during the mandatory 5-day quarantine at AQ hotel

PLEASE NOTE Travelers whose Thailand Pass have already been issued can travel with the issued QR Code and do not need to register for new Thailand Pass.


Applicants can use their approved Thailand Pass QR Code to enter Thailand on different date of arrival if the new date of arrival is within 7 days before or after the original date of arrival as indicated on the QR Code (no need to re-apply or modify your application). Please note that applicants are required to show proof of revised hotel accommodation that corresponds to the new travel dates, and non-Thais are also required to show proof of insurance for medical treatments in Thailand for the entire duration of their revised travel itinerary. Failure to produce these documents may result in denied boarding. Further note that each Thailand Pass QR Code can be used only once.


**Travellers are required to register at https://tp.consular.go.th at least 7 working days before travelling to Thailand.

**入境泰國7工作天前, 請於 https://tp.consular.go.th 登記 取得QR code才能入境泰國

As of 18 March 2022

The regulations is effective for all passengers entering Thailand from 1 April 2022 onwards.

1) The pre-departure RT-PCR is not required.

2) Alternative Quarantine: The period of quarantine decreases to 5 days for all passengers entering Thailand under Alternative quarantine scheme 

3) Sandbox: The period of staying in Sandbox area decreases from 7 days to 5 days.


1) 取消出示行前RT-PCR檢測
2) 針對以AQ方式入境 隔離天數全縮短為 5 天
3) 沙盒縮短停留在沙盒地區為 5 天
As of 23 February 2022
The regulations is effective from 1 March 2022 onwards.
1) Test&Go: The hotel confirmation of day-5 which include second RT-PCR test is changed to antigen self-test kit and report the result via "Morchana" application. Therefore, for Thailand Pass registration, the day-1 hotel confirmation (SHA Extra Plus/AQ/OQ/AHQ) which include RT-PCR, day-5 self-test kit, and airport pickup is required for accommodation document.
***Thailand Pass registration for this regulation starts at 1 March 2022 (3-7 working days processing)
>>Travellers entering Thailand after 1 March 2022 but received Thailand Pass QR code before 1 March 2022 are exempt from staying at the hotel on day-5 and second RT-PCR test.
2) The amount of medical insurance for non-Thais decreases from 50,000 USD to 20,000 USD
3) Domestic transit for Test&Go: International travellers are allowed to transit ONLY via the sealed-route dedicated flights between Bangkok and Phuket. As of now, there are flights from Bangkok to Phuket and Samui operated bt Bangkok Airways and Thai Smile Airways. The flights are only available to international passengers transitting from Bangkok, and must be used in conjunction with international flight only.
1) Test&Go: 取消出示已完成繳費之第五日防疫旅館 第二次RT-PCR檢測調整為以家用快篩試劑(ATK)、且透過Morchana APP自己報告。對此旅客必須出示第一天防疫旅館(SHA Extra Plus/AQ/OQ/AHQ) 含第一次RT-PCR檢測 及 一次家用快篩試劑 (ATK) 及 機場接送 之已繳費證明
***欲透過新制模式入境之旅客將自2022年3月1日於Thailand Pass系統開始進行登錄 (審核時間為 3 - 7 工作天)
>> 3/1前取得QR code、且3/1起到達泰國之旅客 可免第五日住防疫旅館及第二次RT-PCR檢測
2) 調降非泰籍旅客醫療保險保額不低於20,000美元 (原50,000美元)
3) Test&Go 之國內轉機措施: 限以聯運航班 (與沙盒專用班機相同)、目前自曼谷國際機場(BKK)飛往普吉及蘇梅島由曼谷航空及泰微笑航空營運。該班機僅經曼谷國際機場轉機之國際旅客專用。


  • Full name
  • Passport number
  • Date of arrival
  • Reason and evidence of emergency

Do not send duplicate emails as this would cause delays in processing your inquiries. Due to the volume of inquiries received, we may not be able to provide individual responses.

24/7 Call Center

  • +66 2572 8442
  • +66 6 5205 4247
  • +66 6 5205 4248
  • +66 6 5205 4249

Phuket — Contact Center

Call: +66 76 530220

E-mail: thailandpass.hkt@gmail com

As of 20 January 2022
Test & Go application will be available for fully vaccinated travellers from 1 February 2022 at 9:00 (Thailand time) onwards:
- No country/area limit
- Hotel reservation:
1) Travellers are required to book SHA Extra+/AQ/OQ/AHQ on day 1 and 5 (totally TWO nights) in order to wait for RT-PCR test (can be different hotels in different provinces)
2) The hotel confirmation must show the inclusion of RT-PCR (First test+airport pickup on day 1, Second test on day 5)
3) In case of staying in Thailand less than 5 days, flight ticket leaving Thailand is required.
4) Travellers are allowed to travel anywhere in Thailand during day 1 and day 5. Travellers are required to strictly follow the disease control measurement (universal prevention) of the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand, especially wearing a mask.
For further inquiries/status checking, please contact:
Tel. (66) 2572 8442 OR E-mail: [email protected]
Purchase the insurance: https://covid19.tgia.org
**Travellers are required to register at https://tp.consular.go.th at least 7 working days before travelling to Thailand.
2022年2月1日9:00時(泰國時間)Thailand Pass重啟完整接種旅客登記Test & Go
- 無國家/地區限制
- 檢疫旅館: 
(一) 第一日及第五日 (總共兩個晚上) 必須訂 SHA Extra+/AQ/OQ/AHQ以作為等待RT-PCR結果之用 可不同旅館 不同地區
(二) 訂房證明須顯示有包含RT-PCR檢驗 (第一日: 第一次檢驗+機場接送, 第五日: 第二次檢驗)
(三) 若在泰國停留未超過5天須提供離開泰國的機票
(四) 第一日及第五日之間可在泰國自由活動 並嚴格遵守我國衛生部所訂定之防疫規範 尤其是配戴口罩之要求
申請Thailand Pass問題/查詢申請狀態
請撥 (66) 2572 8442 或 電子郵件: [email protected]
購買泰國保險: https://covid19.tgia.org

**入境泰國7工作天前, 請於 https://tp.consular.go.th 登記 取得QR code才能入境泰國


  • Full name
  • Passport number
  • Date of arrival
  • Reason and evidence of emergency

Do not send duplicate emails as this would cause delays in processing your inquiries. Due to the volume of inquiries received, we may not be able to provide individual responses.

24/7 Call Center

  • +66 2572 8442
  • +66 6 5205 4247
  • +66 6 5205 4248
  • +66 6 5205 4249

Phuket — Contact Center

Call: +66 76 530220

E-mail: thailandpass.hkt@gmail com

List of approved COVID-19 vaccines (as of 16 Mar 2022)

Currently, the MoPH has approved the following manufacturers and vaccines:

Name of Vaccines Required dose(s)   Gap between doses
up to (wks)
疫苗品名 劑數 劑次間隔不少於(週)
1) CoronaVac
2 2
2) AstraZeneca OR Covishield
2 4
3) Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty) 輝瑞 2 3
4) Janssen OR Janssen/Ad26.COV2.S 嬌生 1 -
5) Moderna (Spikevax)
2 4
6) Sinopharm (COVILO) 
2 3
7) Sputnik V 


8) Covaxin 


9) Novavax (Nuvaxovid)  2


10) Medigen
(MVC COVID-19) 高端



*完整接種 "Sputnik Light" 可選以沙盒計畫入境沙盒地區 入境沙盒地區以外須隔離 10 天

*Travellers fully vaccinated by "Sputnik Light" are eligible to enter Thailand under Sandbox Program. 
For entering non-sandbox program, 10-day quarantine is required. 

Have you been fully vaccinated?

According to the MoPH, travellers are considered fully vaccinated if:

  • They get their second dose of a 2-dose vaccine; such as, the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines, no less than 14 days before their travel date to Thailand.
  • They get a single-dose vaccine; such as, Janssen vaccine, no less than 14 days before their travel date to Thailand.
  • In case of mix-and-match vaccines, travellers should get their second dose of a different vaccine within the recommended interval of the first vaccine no less than 14 days before their travel date to Thailand. For example, if the first vaccine is CoronaVac from Sinovac Biotech and the second vaccine is AstraZeneca, the time between the two doses is 2-4 weeks.
  • Have been infected with COVID-19 and fully recovered, then got 1 dose of vaccine within 3 months after recovered at least 14 days before the date of travel to Thailand. Please provide the medical certificate proving that have been fully recovered from COVID-19 along with the certificate of vaccination.

Travellers who do not meet these criteria may be not considered fully vaccinated.

Requirements for the ‘Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination’

  • Given name and last name; 與護照相同之英文姓名
  • Date of Birth; 與護照相同之出生年月日
  • Nationality; 國籍
  • Passport or Identification No.; 護照號碼 或 身分證號碼
  • Name of the COVID-19 vaccine; 疫苗品牌
  • Vaccination dates; 施打日期
  • Vaccine manufacturer and lot/batch number; 疫苗製造業者及批號
  • Authorised organisation in the country of origin; 受權核發接種證明單位蓋章
Thailand Pass 將停止受理新Test&Go(1天檢疫)方式入境泰國之旅客以及普吉島以外的Sandbox案件,
將自2021年12月22日起限登記 以7/10天隔離(AQ) 或 以普吉島Sandbox入境泰國
- 已取得Thailand Pass QR code者: 依照已核發之方案入境 (無時間限制)
- 待Thailand Pass核准者: 依照程序等待核發QR code,一旦核發即可依照核發之方案入境
2022年1月7日: 2022年1月11日起 追加開放沙盒地區
1. Suratthani府 (蘇梅島 攀牙島 龜島) : 其旅客必須以沙盒專屬的國內航班(PG5125/PG5171)自素萬納普國際機場 或 直飛蘇梅機場
2. Pangnga府 (全府) : 其旅客必須直飛普吉機場
3. Krabi府 (全府) : 其旅客必須直飛普吉機場或Krabi機場
Thailand Pass system is closed for new Test&Go and Sandbox Programme outside Phuket. From 22 December 2021 Thailand Pass will only be accepted for Phuket Sandbox programme AND 7/10-day quarantine at AQ.
- Those already received the Thailand Pass QR code can enter Thailand under the scheme approved (No time limit)
- For those waiting for the approval, once the QR code is approved, they can enter Thailand under the scheme approved.
7 Jan 2022: Sandbox area added from 11 January 2022 onwards
1. Suratthani (Ko Samui, Ko Pha-ngan, Ko Tao): Travellers need to take Sandbox flights (PG5125/PG5171) from Suvannabhumi Airport OR direct flight to Samui Airport
2. Pang-nga (All area): Travellers need to fly directly to Phuket Airport
3. Krabi (All area): Travellers need to fly directly to Phuket Airport or Krabi Airport
คนไทยกรุณากด ที่นี่
自2021年11月1日起 已完整接種滿14天者從台灣出發入境泰國之泰籍/非泰籍旅客可選以:
免隔離 (須在AQ或SHA+至少1晚 待PCR結果)  沙盒計畫(7晚 SHA+)  7天隔離(AQ)
未接種, 未完整接種, 完整接種未滿14天者 仍必隔離10天
2021年12月16日實施 (as of 1 December 2021)
- 12至17歲之旅客: 一律需提供行前72小時之RT-PCR檢測報告 且須接種至少1劑疫苗, 如未接種疫苗須與家長同行 
6至11歲之旅客: 一律需提供行前72小時之RT-PCR檢測報告,  不需接種疫苗但須與家長同行 
6歲以下之旅客: 不需接種疫苗及行前72小時之RT-PCR檢測報告, 但須與家長同行且到泰國時接受口腔唾液方式之COVID-19檢測
- Test&Go旅客 :  維持採用RT-PCR方式檢測COVID-19, 因此登記Thailand Pass依舊必須出示一晚涵蓋RT-PCR檢測之AQ/SHA Plus訂房證明

購買泰國保險: https://covid19.tgia.org
隔離飯店名單: https://bit.ly/3556nel
SHA+飯店名單: https://www.shathailand.com
**訂房證明必須顯示該方案有涵蓋COVID-19 RT-PCR檢測**
**入境泰國7天前, 請於 https://tp.consular.go.th 登記 取得QR code才能入境泰國
Thailand Pass常見問題: https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/content/thailand-pass-faqs-2
Starting from 1 November 2021
After 14 days of Fully Vaccinated, Thais and Non-Thai nationals who travel from Taiwan can enter Thailand either under Exemption from Quarantine (1 night at AQ or SHA+) OR Sandbox programme (SHA+) OR staying in an Alternative Quarantine (AQ) for 7 days.
For those unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or fully vaccinated less than 14 days on arrival date, will be required to stay at the Alternative Quarantine (AQ) for 10 Days.
Effective on 16 December 2021 (as of 1 December 2021)
- Travellers age 12-17 years: 72 hours pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR test report is required, and at least ONE dose of vaccine is required. Unvaccinated travellers must travel with their parents.
- Travellers age 6-11 years: 72 hours pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR test report is required. No vaccination required, but must travel with their parents.
- Travellers age under 6 years: Vaccination and pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR test are NOT required, but must travel with their parents and undergo the saliva testing for COVID-19 after arriving Thailand. 
- Test&Go travellers: The COVID-19 test after arrival remains RT-PCR, and one night AQ/SHA Plus hotel confirmation remains compulsory for Thailand Pass registration.

Requirements for Certificate of Vaccination
Purchase the insurance: https://covid19.tgia.org
The hotel confirmation must show the inclusion of COVID-19 RT-PCT test (Test&Go package)
**Travellers are required to register at https://tp.consular.go.th at least 7 days before travelling to Thailand.

List of Countries/Territories according to the Notification of the Operation Centre for Measures on the Entry into and Departure from the Kingdom, and Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad dated 30 October B.E. 2564 (2021)

可入境泰國免隔離之出發點 (2021年10月30日)

1. Australia 23. India 45. Poland
2. Austria 24. Indonesia 46. Portugal
3. Bahrain 25. Ireland 47. Qatar
4. Belgium 26. Israel 48. Romania
5. Bhutan 27. Italy 49. Saudi Arabia
6. Brunei Darussalam 28. Japan 50. Singapore
7. Bulgaria 29. Kuwait 51. Slovak Republic
8. Cambodia 30. Laos 52. Slovenia
9. Canada 31. Latvia 53. Sri Lanka
10. Chile 32. Lithuania 54. South Korea
11. China 33. Luxembourg 55. Spain
12. Croatia 34. Malaysia 56. Sweden
13. Cyprus 35. Maldives 57. Switzerland
14. Czech Republic 36. Malta 58. United Arab Emirates
15. Denmark 37. Mongolia 59. United Kingdom
16. Estonia 38. Myanmar 60. United States
17. Finland 39. Nepal 61. Vietnam
18. France 40. Netherlands 62. Hong Kong
19. Germany 41. New Zealand 63. Taiwan
20. Greece 42. Norway  
21. Hungary 43.Oman  
22. Iceland 44. Philippines  

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